Registation is open NOW!
Click here to learn more!
Youth Tennis & Pickleball Lessons
- Two-Week Sessions, 8 Lessons
- Targeted at youth ages 6 - 16 who are beginner or intermediate skill levels.
Lessons begin June 3rd!
Registration opens April 15th at 6pm! Click here to learn more!
Adult Cornhole League!
- Ages 16+
- Tuedays 6pm - 8pm
- 5 season games + playoffs!
Program begins June 18th!
Click here to learn MORE! Registration opens April 15th @ 6pm
Summer Swim Lessons!
- Registration OPENS May 16th
Parks & Rec Kids Camp!
ONLY A FEW SPOTS LEFT! Grab them before they are gone!
- A summer program full of fun fo 1st - 6th graders!
Program begins June 3rd!