Leave your Mark in a Cottonwood Heights Park

Commemorative Markers: Purchasing and dedicating a new bench or picnic table is a beautiful way to honor your significate loved ones for all park patrons to enjoy. Your generous contribution supports the Cottonwood Heights Parks & Recreation Foundation while also enhancing the park itself and leaving a lasting memory. The Cottonwood Heights Parks & Recreation Foundation will work with you to choose your park location, identify the perfect onsite spot for installation, and craft a special inscribed plaque.
- Benchs and picnic tables must be in compliance with current Cottonwood Heights Parks & Recreation standards.
- All wording on a plaue/marker must meet Cottonwood Heights Parks & Recreation approval.
- The Cottonwood Heights Parks & Recreation reserves the right to refuse or deny any commemorative marker request.
All Commemorative Marker Requests, must be submitted in writing to the Cottonwood Heights Parks & Recreation, Executive Director on the designated form. Our Executive Director, Ben Hill would be happy to assist you along the way. His email is bhill@cottonwoodheights.com or you can reach him on his office phone at 801-943-3190 x110.
The request must include, but not be limited to…
- The reason for the request.
- The detailed specifications of the marker being proposed.
- The desired location of the commemorative marker.
After the commemorative marker request has been submitted in writing, the Executive Director will evaluate the request and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for final approval. The commemorative marker shall be installed by a professional, authorized by the Cottonwood Heights Parks & Recreation. The requesting party shall be solely responsible for the cost and its installation.
The fees associated with the benches and tables are established, each year, during the budget process. The cost for a bench and its installation, can range between $2,000 and $2,500. The cost for a picnic table and its installation, can range between $3,000 and $3,500.
All commemorative markers shall be the property of the Cottonwood Heights Parks & Recreation .
For specific details on the policy governing requests for commemerative markers, please see Policy #470.